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Private Beach?

 2019 in Hyannis: Sign says private.  (My photos) PUCK:  How can a beach be private? I am a crow. I can go there.

Canary in a Gold Mine: 2 Minutes

Canary in a Gold Mine


Locked down during COVID and desperate to make theatre, Piti Theatre’s Jonathan Mirin turns the camera on . . . himself, telling the story of the mysterious symptoms his life and production partner GodeliΓ¨ve began experiencing a decade ago. Increasingly unable to leave the house and take care of their new baby, the couple contends with the growing likelihood that her illness is environmental – and inescapable.  GodeliΓ¨ve‘s severe neurological symptoms are triggered by exposure to the wireless radiation that the rest of society is passionately embracing to connect devices and upload cat videos.  As her electro-hypersensitivity (EHS), (a.k.a. “microwave sickness.”) worsened, Mirin found himself compelled to become a public health advocate, activist & petitioner in a landmark legal case against the FCC.



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My poem is finished then this shark shows up (my caption)


a good thing...

a good thing...

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