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orange haze

lush is the word I use for the growth and trees in 2024  there is a blur, a sun... it is orange good morning

"the reading nook"

oTis loves the word NOOK

Have you got a bookcase? Have you got an armchair? Then you have all the ingredients necessary for a cozy/cosy reading nook.  Leave your phone in the other room, extract a book from the shelf, maybe switch on a nearby floor lamp, and voila, the best way we can think of to spend a winter evening.  The mood of your nook can easily be changed depending on the colour of your bookshelves - a dark moody colour creates an enveloping feel, or paint them in a bright red or yellow for a more uplifting atmosphere. via



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My poem is finished then this shark shows up (my caption)


a good thing...

a good thing...

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