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Ideas in Motion

How one animation company is fighting AI by returning to the roots of motion pictures via:

News From the Leyden Farm

from author Kristin Nicholas

This weeks’ Links I’m Loving…….

• In case you missed Jon Batiste’s performance at the Grammys on Sunday, it is worth a watch. He’s a remarkable artist. You can watch this feature from CBS Sunday morning HERE (9 minutes). It had me in tears. His interview on Colbert (10 minutes) was sweet too. Humble, brilliant, super talented. A guy to watch as he shares his work with the world.

• I liked this 5 minute film called “Where Do Ideas Come From?” by filmmaker Andrew Norton.

Here is a lovely article on Kaffe Fassett and his incredible home in London. I’ve long been a fan and it’s nice to see all the incredible work in the place it was made.

This is amazing - embroidered moss and fungi.

• Loved this podcast interview with Rob Forbes, the founder of Design Within Reach. He started his career as a potter. Fascinating life. 





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My poem is finished then this shark shows up (my caption)


a good thing...

a good thing...

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