Source -
- "...For
around $30,000, someone building a new home can have enough hemp blocks
shipped to them in around 6 to 8 weeks...Walls made with hempcrete
blocks are fireproof, mold proof, pest proof and long-lasting compared
to timber-framed homes, which can be constructed of poor quality
materials. Hemp block walls also solve the problem of the labor shortage
too as exterior walls can be built by relatively unskilled labor within
days compared to wood and concrete walls which take months"
Read more… 945 more words
Hemp has the potential to be used in more than 25,000 products,
including fibers, textiles, paper and construction and insulation
materials, food and even fuel. However, because government is the
antithesis to freedom, industrial hemp was previously banned nationwide
since 1937 ostensibly due to the plant’s similarities to marijuana. Many
have speculated that this move was also due to the fact that cannabis
is in direct competition with the pharmaceutical industry by providing
far safer alternative treatments as well as directly competing with the
petrochemical industry. However, all this changed in December 2018 with
the passage of the Agriculture Improvement act of 2018, legalizing
industrial hemp on a national scale.
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