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orange haze

lush is the word I use for the growth and trees in 2024  there is a blur, a sun... it is orange good morning


Puck and Otis agree: PLASTICS COMPANIES need to be condemned and gone! THEY LIED TO ALL OF US!

Plastic can take up to 1000 years to decompose.

"Recycling was NOT invented to save the planet from our plastic waste. Recycling was invented so we don’t feel guilty about buying plastic.

And guess who invented plastic recycling?

The big plastic corporations.

They spent a fortune marketing plastic recycling to us, just to keep us guilt-free.  While they kept producing and selling more and more plastic.

Now look at the horrifying result... The world produces more than 350 million metric tons of plastic waste per year."





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My poem is finished then this shark shows up (my caption)


a good thing...

a good thing...

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