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Ideas in Motion

How one animation company is fighting AI by returning to the roots of motion pictures via:

may your dog talk?


Chris, the local DJ on Northern Exposure, known for his love of Whitman, is on the radio one Christmas and shares this brief, but beautiful story of Christmas.

It’s an old legend, that on Christmas Eve at midnight, all the animals fall on their knees and speak — praising the new born Jesus.

Back in the winter of ’69, my Dad was doing a short term for D and D. Mom was — I’m not sure where Mom was. Anyway, I was home alone on Christmas Eve and I stayed up late to see if my dog, Buddy, would talk. He did — at least I think he did. I don’t remember Buster’s exact words, but that’s not important. What matters is that a seven-year-old boy experienced his own personal epiphany.

My point? It’s that Christmas reveals itself to each of us in a personal way — be it secular or sacred. Whatever Christmas is — and it’s many things to many people — we all own a piece of it. Kinda like Santa’s bag, inside there’s gift for everyone.

My Christmas wish for you tonight — may your dog talk.




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My poem is finished then this shark shows up (my caption)


a good thing...

a good thing...

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